Our Schools

Park County School District #1 maintains seven campuses, including SLC, an alternative high school offering primarily online courses. View our boundary map to see where your child will attend school during the primary years, and visit our Enrollment page to find out how to enroll your child at one of our schools.

Powell High School
(Grades 9–12)
Tim Wormald, Principal
“Preparing students for life.”
1151 E. 7th St.
Powell, WY 82435
(307) 764-6181

SLC: Shoshone Learning Center
(Grades 9–12)
Shannon Blackmore, Coordinator
"An Alternative High School that uses a unique approach to facilitate the growth and development of students seeking a high school diploma. Our staff is well known for their ability to provide a safe place for students to feel connected and experience being a part of a supportive community."
140 North Ferris St.
Powell, WY 82435
(307) 764-6187

Powell Middle School
(Grades 6–8)

Kyle Rohrer, Principal 
“Creating an environment where students can grow and develop academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.”
369 East 3rd St.
Powell, WY 82435
(307) 764-6185

Clark Elementary

Jason Hillman, Principal
“The biggest small school around! We prepare our students to meet the challenges presented by today’s global demands.”
363 Road 1AB
Powell, WY 82435
(307) 645-3241

Parkside Elementary

Jason Hillman, Principal
We will treat your child in a loving, nurturing fashion—you have our word!
125 S. Douglas
Powell, WY 82435
(307) 764-6182

Southside Elementary

Scott Schiller, Principal
Named the best public elementary school in Wyoming, a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School, Model PLC School, and #24 of the Best American Elementary Schools.
278 E. Monroe Street
Powell, WY 82435
(307) 764-6183

Westside Elementary

Angie Woyak, Principal
“Committed to growing together every day.”
555 Grand Street
Powell, WY 82435
(307) 764-6184