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Reading is a complex process that requires the simultaneous application of a multitude of phonological and comprehension strategies in order for a reader to glean information from a text and an author’s message. It is the key to unlocking a student’s learning potential across all other contents. Therefore, the Park County School District #1 is dedicated to the early identification and ongoing monitoring of our students’ literacy development to ensure our students are literate by the end of third grade.
In order to determine students’ literacy needs, screen for dyslexia, and implement the appropriate level of instructional literacy support, all kindergarten through third grade students’ reading skills are screened in the first month of the school year using the WYTOPP Interim, Fountas/Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (F/P BAS), and DIBELS (Kg-2). These data points, in conjunction with ongoing running records, progress monitoring, and formative assessments, are analyzed to identify students consistently not attaining benchmarks, as defined by state and district criteria. The specific areas of literacy development assessed across the measures include: Phonological awareness, phonics, decoding words and nonsense words, oral reading fluency, and comprehension.
Individualized Reading Plans are developed which indicate the Tier II or Tier III interventions that will be provided in addition to the core instructional program, as well as how student responses to intervention and instruction will be monitored. Students on IRPs and/or in need of literacy interventions will be progress monitored through running records such as DIBELS and/or running records. Through these measures, students’ reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension are closely monitored. If data does not show a response to interventions, diagnostic assessment/s are administered to determine Tier III or IV literacy interventions tailored to individualized needs. K-3rd grade student literacy growth and achievement is assessed in the spring of each year using multiple data points (WYTOPP, DIBELS, F/P BAS) that provide a holistic perspective of students’ fluency, accuracy, comprehension, and instructional reading levels.