Please report absences between 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. to the Clark office by calling 645-3241 or to the Parkside office between 7:50 a.m.-8:15 a.m. by calling 307-764-6182.
If a child is absent and the school has not been notified, office personnel will contact you. Please assist us by making a call to the office.
If there is no contact made, your child will receive an un-excused for their absence.
If you know in advance that your child must be out of school for any reason, please notify Clark and Parkside offices. The principal, the designated school attendance officer, will monitor students’ attendance.
Academic success is directly related to the amount of time spent in the classroom. There are valuable lessons lost when a student is not in attendance. Please understand that simply completing the written paperwork missed cannot make up for an absence. Class discussions, teacher demonstrations, social interactions, and other activities are examples of the valuable learning missed when a student is absent.
The District recognizes that emergencies, illness or other pre-arranged absences occur. As a result, ten(10) days per semester can be used for these purposes. If a student exceeds this ten-day limit in a given trimester, he/she may lose credit or be retained. Each building has outlined for parents and students, its process for addressing students with excessive absences. Note: Habitual tardiness is dealt with at the building level. Five (5) tardies to school equal one unexcused absence. Two or more unexcused absences will be reported to law enforcement and/or the county attorney.